An Argument in Favor of Hinglish (shitpost)

Maybe the reason why Americans and Europeans do well in academics and research area, is because they are Not spending a big portion of their thought-process into being grammatically correct, because they study and research in their mother tongue only?

Instead of making fun of people for their incorrect English, why not give them Confidence for how they speak. Maybe if we stop overthinking about our personalities and fear of public speaking, and instead focus on more productive things, maybe we can do way better!

Now, we cannot completely give up on English and choose to pursue research in our mother tongue.
Heck, we Indians don't even have One mother tongue. Hindi just happens to be a language of majority of North-Indians. (This is where Chinese too beat us, as despite being a huge country, they have only one language, and they can afford to stay off the English dominance.)

But we cannot.

English not only serves as a bridge across linguistically different states of India, but almost all other countries, and entirety of Internet too.
And Hindi is our (N.Indians') mother tongue.

Thanks to both of these reasons, evolution of Hinglish as a general spoken language is not something unexpected.
So why don't we go ahead and Legitimize Hinglish?

With the kind of education system that we grow up in, it has to be the way out of situation. We live in a society, where we speak one language at home and receive education in a completely different language.
We "Feel" and "Weep" in one language, but we grow up learning to think in a completely different one.

This cultural mix-up has led our generations to grow and speak in khichdi of languages. And, I can't speak for my "generation", but people like me who grew-up with "texting" among primary modes of communication, writing articles in traditional sense is pretty challenging, since we (at least I) can Not exactly express our thoughts and emotions using only words, unless also accompanied by emojis 😛

Waise bhi, languages are always expected to evolve, and to not stay in a constant form for centuries. It's hard enough to read now what Shakespeare wrote five centuries ago. "Thy thou" to abb bola nahi jata. English itself is a language comprising mostly of loan words.

Hence concept of Hinglish should not offend us Indians. (Getting offended, something we are exceptionally good at)
And concept of Hinglish should be accepted as natural next step to ever evolving culture.

People like me, switch to Hindi for those parts/words/phrases of sentences, jinke liye hme proper english nahi aati. Instead of doing a "didn't knew" and embarrassing myself, I think I instead sound more confident (At least I like to think of it as a smarter way of presenting myself).

And well, that is what is needed the most when speaking anyways, confidence!

Also, thanks to Indian YouTube scene of past decade which may have had some impact in growing cultural acceptance year by year, Hinglish has now started outgrowing from the conversations among people of "high class society", to more general, wider masses of India.

(Although so-called-upper-class society is now moving towards speaking pure-fluent English in daily life for most parts, maybe speaking Hinglish would soon become too-middle-class thingy😛)

(And fundamentalists still struck in 18th century leave lots of abuses in YouTube comment sections, for speaking in English / Hinglish 🤦‍♂️)
