About me

 "If only I had more time, I would have written less"

-Blaise Pascal
(or maybe someone else,
many names are credited for this one)


If only I had a little more time, I would have written all my past blogs, articles, and essays in a little more presentable format.

But I think I have come to peace with the fact that I will never reach that "perfect balance and combination of words, and length and presentation of thoughts", never really reaching that peak I dream of setting foot on one day.
Every new iteration of sentence is slightly better, a step nearer to destination, but like Zeno's race paradox, never reaching the finish line. Always growing asymptotically closer.

This blog's gonna be my dump ground of all my writings, first hand. Unfiltered. Unedited. 
With grammar mistakes. Possibly factually wrong and contradictory thoughts as well. 

(Serious provocations to OCD devils)

 <2013>Also, I had this silly blog back when I was (relatively) young.</2017>
