Writing an Intro about myself. (shitpost)

A friend of mine was asked by another friend to write an intro about herself (self-care activity. It's so lovely; I wish people around me too were as much engaged in positive activities). But I noticed that her intro reflects more upon her current state of mind and what was up to with her lately but does not describe her personality or general habits.

I realize that if I were asked to write an intro about myself today, the same would happen with me right now.
It will for sure reflect my angst at most of my friends that I have grown in the past few weeks (usual drama), and I would probably introduce myself like some independent guy, does not need any friend to be happy blah blah. When the truth is, it is only a temporary phase, and I know that. (And I'm an emotional parasite for most parts of the year as well)

(Future me: Of course, that was just a phase, and it got over soon. So many things happen in life, good and evil, and what defines us keeps changing drastically over the years.)

Sometimes I feel we can better judge ourselves only retrospectively and never at the moment. Looking back into old diary entries reminds me of the petty issues which were so important to me back then as if they were life and death situations.
But most of them hold no importance now; many feel funny, to be honest.

Probably the future-me would look back and say 'meh' for current me fretting over this one particular person. 🤷‍♂️
