Venn diagram of relationships

Everyone sees the world from the spectacles of their lived experiences. And everyone's experiences differ a lot. 

Some have seen a lot more of the world than others. Your experiences might be more extreme and broad than mine, 

and mine a small circle contained within yours in the Venn diagram.

Depending upon whether my circle is a subset of yours or vice versa, the level of empathy and understanding gets decided, along with the direction of understanding; you would understand me better than the rest if my circle is entirely inside yours in the Venn diagram. I might not be able to offer you the same level of empathy as you would for me, hence this "direction" of empathy. At best, our experiences can be as close and similar as the world allows us to be; Venn circles of similar sizes, and we would relate the most. Maybe these are the "True BFFs."

And then there are misfit friendships, the ones where Venn circles only partially overlap. We become friends over what is common between us but get awkward for the rest of the parts we have don't even have any remote idea, and we find nothing better to say than 'Hmmm...'.
