Unnecessary Perfections

I hate myself when I overthink unnecessary things in ultra-great detail. Always trying to meet up with the intense desire of "doing everything with perfection, or not doing it at all." It messes up all my stuff, and I end up either doing nothing or getting frustrated and doing things that are far from perfection.

This gets me into troubling situations, too, like the desire to make only clean and proper notes during classes and reading course books.

(like some sort of OCD).

(Wait, it IS OCD!)

It means I won't allow cuts and re-writes.

And I would hold back and not make any single marking on notebooks at all unless I'm pretty sure about What I am going to write, Where I am going to write and How much I am going to write, and whether there is enough space in the current page to write, or should I switch to a new page? (Yeah, it Is an OCD)

Well, sometimes it is good! I make clean notes and (mostly) understand (most) things taught in class; revisiting those notes gives a clear and quick reminder of what the topic was all about.


other times (actually, most of the time), I keep struggling between proper note-making and coping up with the ever-increasing lecture speed.

This internal struggle between making good-looking notes or not-so-good-looking notes with all critical points covered resembles good old ethics' confusion.

I could choose to shy away from people with the fear of being judged.
I could not care what people thought.

Of course, ideally, there should be no confusion at all. 

Go with the latter. 

Don't give a damn about what the world thinks, as the motivational speakers say (or actually anyone with basic senses trying to guide you would say to you). 

But talking about ideal world things is not always practical, right? 

We DO get into situations where the apparent right path to choose is not the easiest one. 

(Dumbledore to Harry: ….and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.)

Not many go into that level of a deeper understanding of thought processes. 

I guess maybe psychiatrists do.

Maybe it is all very natural. 

Or maybe our minds have come to terms to accept this mental disorder as pretty natural. 

I don't have any point to add

Thanks for reading?
